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Topic: Consumers

  • WQA members role play good/bad examples of customer interaction

    In this week’s WQA Radio podcast, we feature part of a session at the WQA Mid-Year Leadership Conference in Lake Tahoe, CA. It was an entertaining presentation of how to and how not to deal ethically with potential customers. You’ll hear from moderator Justin Brazelton, CWS, of Culligan of Ann Arbor/Detroit; DJ Shannahan, MWS, CI,…

  • Hurricanes and Drinking Water: What You Need to Know

    Hurricanes pose a major threat to the safety of drinking water. During and after flooding, water can become contaminated with microorganisms such as bacteria, sewage, heating oil, agricultural or industrial waste, chemicals and other substances that can cause serious illness. It is important to know what precautions can be taken to protect yourself from the…

  • Flooding Precautions Fact Sheet

    Water may not be safe to drink, cook or clean with after an emergency such as a flood. During and after flooding, water can become contaminated with  microorganisms such as bacteria, sewage, heating oil, agricultural or industrial waste, chemicals and other substances that can cause serious illness. People with private drinking water wells in flooded areas can take precautions and…