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Resource Type: Toolkit

  • Consumer Resource: What You Need to Know About Water Quality After Wildfires

    People living in or near a wildfire have many questions about how the wildfire affects their water quality and how they should respond. Water treatment providers can print out this document to provide easy-to-understand answers for their customers’ questions.

  • What You Need to Know About PFAS

    This consumer-oriented document offers answers to common questions about per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly known as PFAS.  What are they? Why should you be concerned? How do you know if they’re in your water, and what do you do if they are?

  • WQRF Softeners and Septic Performance Toolkit

    Water softeners and septic systems are often found on the same property and, in the majority of these cases, no problems are indicated. Yet, there have been sporadic, mostly anecdotal reports of issues related to the combined use of these kinds of equipment at some sites. Experts in both fields are working together to better…

  • Onboarding Tools

    WQA offers some great resources to help you create effective onboarding plans for your employees. Click to learn more. 

  • Disciplinary Actions

    Disciplining employees who fall short of workplace expectations and policies is one of the most difficult parts of supervision and management. Employees who are not meeting expectations might become defensive, lose motivations or even consider resigning when confronted, particularly if they are not expecting negative feedback. A poor performance review should never come as a…

  • Hiring Managers Interview Guide

    At WQA, we are invested in the success of your business and employees. Our External Recruitment and Interview Guidelines can walk you through every step – from how to post a position on job boards to conducting the perfect interview. These guidelines can help ensure you attract the right candidates for your company. 

  • 2022 Marketing Tips

    The WQA Communications Committee offers these tips as suggestions, understanding that they may not work for each individual business or type of water treatment company.

  • New Hire Onboarding Guide

    Your Challenge Choosing the right candidates is only half the battle; you need to be sure new employees have the education, tools and knowledge they need from the beginning if they’re to become effective long-term team members. Our Advice You can’t avoid the paperwork of bringing a new person onto your team, but you can…