Phase 2B Report (1,4-dioxane, Cr6, PCE, Uranium, radium, calcium, magnesium, radon, strontium): 


The Water Quality Research Foundation (WQRF) funded the Contaminant Occurrence Level Study (20192020) to investigate the occurrence of drinking water contaminants at levels that may present potential public health risks despite federal regulatory compliance and the occurrence of aesthetic drinking water analytes impacting the taste, color, and odor of drinking water supplied by public drinking water systems. The effort resulted in a drinking water quality occurrence database of over 59 million data records for 57 analytes for the period of 2009 through 2018, and two reports: Contaminant Level Occurrence Above the MCLG, summarizing occurrence of 48 drinking water contaminants with a US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maximum contaminant level (MCL) above the maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG), and Aesthetics Level Occurrence Study, summarizing the occurrence of 9 aesthetic analytes impacting the taste, color, and odor of drinking water. To accomplish these objectives, the project included a data collection effort that resulted in data collected for project analytes and additional analytes beyond those included in project database and reports. The purpose of this Phase 2B effort is to provide the required quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) and analysis to data collected for 99 additional analytes (see Table 2) to include these analytes in the Contaminant Occurrence Level Study database and to gain insight on their national occurrence.