Topic: POU
WQRF calls for research grant concept papers
The Water Quality Research Foundation has issued a request for concept papers (RFCP) under its research grant program. The grant offers up to $100,000 of WQRF funding toward field work and implementation of treatment devices as part of the research.
Sustainability Comparison Study
Assessing Centralized Treatment Upgrades and POU/POE Treatment for Small System Compliance to the SDWA This study examined point-of-use (POU) and point-of-entry (POE) devices in comparison to improvements to existing centralized systems for Safe Drinking Water Act compliance using a triple bottom line analysis. The study was conducted using data from four very small community water…
Emerging Contaminant Removal and Microbial Growth in Membrane Filtration and Activated Carbon POU Systems
Emerging Contaminant Removal and Microbial Growth in POU Membrane Filtration and Activated Carbon
Emerging Contaminant Removal and Microbial Growth in POU Membrane Filtration and Activated Carbon systems are common point-of-use (POU) water filtration systems. They are used to remove contaminants from drinking water, including trace-level emerging contaminants, as the last barrier to protect human health before consumption.
Household Point-of-Use Pathogen Study