Topic: Technical Guidance

  • WQA offers drinking water resources and guidance in wake of Hurricane Idalia

    Flood resources, including a video called “Five Things to Know About Water After a Flood,” are available from the Water Quality Association to help ensure a safer water supply during severe flooding following the impact of Hurricane Idalia.

  • Illinois Non-Transient Non-Community Public Water System Operator Workshop & Exam

    The Water Quality Association, in conjunction with the Illinois Department of Public Health, is offering training over 5 days followed by an online exam so that Non-Transient Non-Community Public Water Systems (NTNCPWS) Operators can fulfill their certification obligation. The course will consist of approximately 12 hours of instruction at 2.5 hours per day, followed by…

  • Guidance for Sanitizing Residential Water Treatment Systems

    This document provides general guidance and information for water treatment professionals who may be called upon to sanitize drinking water treatment systems used within a home or business environment after a prolonged period of stagnation due to building vacancy, flooding, or similar potential contamination events. For example, this guidance would be appropriate when assisting customers…

  • General Guidance for Water Treatment Professionals on Proper Maintenance of Treatment Systems as Shelter-in-Place Orders are Lifted

    This document provides general guidance and information for water treatment professionals who may be called upon to assist customers with bringing vacant buildings back online, such as when the Shelter-In-Place orders due to COVID-19 are lifted. It addresses the activities necessary to bring the potable water supply treatment systems (treatment systems) in the building back…

  • Member discusses value of training and profession certification

    Adrian Cavlan, owner of Quality Water in Aptos, CA, is our guest on this week’s WQA Radio podcast. Cavlan explains what prompted him to sign up for WQA’s instructor-led training, the advantages he has experienced working alongside others, the difference it has made in his grasp of technical issues and how he sees the overall…

  • Industry Sections

    WQA Sections provide opportunities for members of a particular membership segment to meet with peers to provide input and share their expertise.

  • Silver Fact Sheet

    Biologically, silver is a nonessential, non-beneficial element to humans. There are no scientific studies to show adverse health due to its presence in drinking water from natural sources. However, because of its bactericidal abilities, silver is used as a water bacteriostat in carbon containing water filters. The silver is deposited onto the carbon granules to…

  • Magnetics Report

    The content of the following report has been prepared by a special task force established by the Water Quality Association and represents the review by the members of the task force of a bibliography of scientific papers and information generally available to the public or released by the authors themselves. The views of the individual…

  • Cadmium Fact Sheet

    Cadmium occurs naturally in zinc, in lead and copper ores, in coal and other fossil fuels, in shales and is released during volcanic action. These deposits can serve as sources to ground and surface waters, especially when in contact with low total dissolved solids (TDS) and acidic waters. Major industrial releases of cadmium are due…

  • Copper Fact Sheet

    Copper is a metallic element that is essential to human health. Too little is unhealthy and too much can lead to copper poisoning. The body cannot synthesize copper so the human diet must supply regular amounts for absorption. The daily requirement is about 2 mg of copper intake per day to maintain a balance of…