Topic: water softener
Consumer Opinion Study discussion
We’re going to offer Part Two of our discussion about the 2023 Consumer Opinion Study, which tracks consumer awareness and understanding of water quality issues and treatment solutions. We’ll take you back to the WQA Convention in Las Vegas for a panel discussion with panelists Shannon Murphy, Vice President for Development and Compliance at Aquamor,…
2023 WQA Consumer Opinion Study – Raw Data
WQA Premier members can download the raw data from the 2023 WQA Consumer Opinion Study to use in their own marketing or sales efforts. NOTE: When you hit the “download” button in the upper right corner, the data will go to your computer’s “downloads” folder. You might continue to see a spinning arrow on our…
2023 WQA Consumer Opinion Study – Full Report
Once every two years, the Water Quality Association commissions a national study to gather data on U.S. consumers’ evolving attitudes toward water and water treatment. The 2023 study shows that consumers report being far more concerned about quality of their household water supply this year than in any previous study. Survey results also indicated that…
Guidance for the Use of Water Softening and Onsite Wastewater Systems on Individual Properties
WQA and National Onsite Wastewater and Recycling Association (NOWRA) have collaborated to offer advice on the use of water softeners and home septic systems.