Resource Type: Industry Report

  • Trends Report: U.S. Landscape of Consecutive Systems

    A resource that reviews the nexus between Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) regulations and the nexus between treatment and in Consecutive Systems and Building Water Systems (BWS).

  • Current Curiosities: WQA Quarterly Inquiries Snapshot

    This quarterly report is intended to showcase a wealth of data from WQA’s websites and general email/phone hotlines. Use these snapshots to check on what water quality and treatment topics are top of mind to consumers and other industry professionals. The reports are available quarterly and will include rolling data from previous quarters. WQA members…

  • Cross Correlation Report

    The WQA Cross-Correlation Report analyzes correlations in market trends data, from both within and outside the drinking water treatment industry. The report also summarizes the effects of the global pandemic on water treatment equipment sales.   The report is intended to help WQA members better understand the current state of the industry and their business…

  • What You Need to Know About PFAS

    This consumer-oriented document offers answers to common questions about per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly known as PFAS.  What are they? Why should you be concerned? How do you know if they’re in your water, and what do you do if they are?

  • International Trends Report – BPA Regulations in Food Contact Materials (FCMs)

    A resource that looks at international laws and regulations focused on Bisphenol A (BPA) and structural homologs in Food Contact Materials (FCMs). This report reviews the legislative histories associated with such laws and the development of science and research by regulatory bodies.

  • 2023 WQA Consumer Opinion Study – Raw Data

    WQA Premier members can download the raw data from the 2023 WQA Consumer Opinion Study to use in their own marketing or sales efforts. NOTE: When you hit the “download” button in the upper right corner, the data will go to your computer’s “downloads” folder. You might continue to see a spinning arrow on our…

  • 2023 WQA Consumer Opinion Study – Full Report

    Once every two years, the Water Quality Association commissions a national study to gather data on U.S. consumers’ evolving attitudes toward water and water treatment. The 2023 study shows that consumers report being far more concerned about quality of their household water supply this year than in any previous study. Survey results also indicated that…

  • WQA Consumer Opinion Study

    Once every two years, the Water Quality Association commissions a national study to gather data on U.S. consumers’ evolving attitudes toward water and water treatment. The 2023 study shows that consumers report being far more concerned about quality of their household water supply this year than in any previous study. Survey results also indicated that…

  • Guidance for the Use of Water Softening and Onsite Wastewater Systems on Individual Properties

    WQA and National Onsite Wastewater and Recycling Association (NOWRA) have collaborated to offer advice on the use of water softeners and home septic systems.

  • Trends Report: International Performance and Reduction standards

    This report investigates countries we are aware of discussing performance/reduction standards requirements as it relates to drinking water treatment units through regulations or other initiatives. There are also country profile reports includes regulations and resources WQA is aware of pertaining to specific countries.