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Resource Type: WQRF Study

  • Contaminant Level Occurrence Above the MCLG

    The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) sets a regulatory maximum contaminant level (MCL) or action level and a maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG) for all drinking water contaminants included in the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR). The MCLG is the maximum level of a contaminant in drinking water at which no known or anticipated…

  • Aesthetics Level Occurrence Study (hardness, iron, pH, manganese, disinfection residuals)

  • Let the Science Do the Talking: How to Grow Your Business With WQRF Research Results

    It’s a fact shown time and time again that consumers trust third party information and science. Is your company leveraging all the Water Quality Research Foundation (WQRF) has to offer? This webinar is dedicated to WQRF research results for several completed studies. Get a refresh on the scientific findings and hear from experts on practical…

  • Predictive Modeling of Drinking Water Crises

    The Predictive Modeling Study collected and assessed all available and relevant water quality data to generate a model that describes the most likely future drinking water contamination events over the next 5-10 years. ​Please visit for every WQRF-funded project the full scientific reports, executive summaries, and other supporting educational materials available. Please note, the…