Water Treatment Pressure Tank & Valve Unit Shipment Reports
WQA uses an independent accounting firm to collect monthly water treatment pressure tank and valve unit shipments (in the U.S. and Canada). These reports provide a portion of the total units shipped each month to capture industry trend analysis, and are made available as a WQA member benefit (not including the allied/consultant category of membership).
The reports may be purchased by non-members who also want access to this important data:
12-month rolling | Free (with member log-in) | $5,500 |
Historical data (back to July 2014) | Free (with member log-in) | $11,000 |
Please contact WQA Membership if you would like to purchase one or more report at membership@wqa.org.
These reports are for the exclusive use of our members and those who have purchased access, and are not to be shared, copied or distributed without permission of the Water Quality Association.