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Topic: Consumer

  • Promoting Your Certification

    Congratulations on earning your Water Quality Association Professional certification! You put hard work and many hours into earning this honor, which demonstrates your extra level of dedication and professionalism. Now it’s time to share that news with your customers to give them the extra peace of mind that comes with hiring a certified professional to…

  • Hurricanes and Drinking Water: What You Need to Know

    Hurricanes pose a major threat to the safety of drinking water. During and after flooding, water can become contaminated with microorganisms such as bacteria, sewage, heating oil, agricultural or industrial waste, chemicals and other substances that can cause serious illness. It is important to know what precautions can be taken to protect yourself from the…

  • Boil Water Notice Brochure

    Treatment for microbial contamination may be applied either where the water enters the home (point of entry) or at the point where drinking water is drawn (point of use). Consumers may boil their water or install a point-of-use or point-of-entry water treatment system certified for total microbial (e.g., bacteria, viruses and protozoa) reduction. If you have a POU or POE treatment system already in…

  • Emerging Contaminant Consumer Study

    This independent study was performed by researchers from the University of Wisconsin system in June 2021, to gauge the American public’s knowledge of emerging contaminants in drinking water and their interest and willingness to pay for Point-of-Use (POU)/Point-of-Entry (POE) home water filtration devices. POU devices treat drinking water at the point of consumption (e.g., kitchen…

  • Residential Water Reuse Fact Sheet

    Residential water reuse is a topic of increasing interest. With growing water shortages in the Southwestern United States and other areas, the ability to reuse water onsite as opposed to sending it all to a wastewater treatment facility becomes more and more appealing. Additionally, reuse of water is generally considered to be a part of…

  • Chloride Handbook

    The Communication Resources on Chloride Handbook, developed as a WQA member benefit, is a guide to aid communications with government officials and other interested parties regarding chlorides. It is a collection of resources and information designed to support members, as well as to provide an education and solid grounding on chlorides for all interested parties, including…

  • Water Treatment For Dummies: Second Edition

    Water Treatment For Dummies: Second Edition is a consumer-directed publication designed to answer common questions about the quality of water in your home or business. Under 50 pages in length, it is written in a simple, jargon-free style. The second edition of WQA’s Water Treatment for Dummies is completely revised, updated and expanded with all-new facts,…

  • 2021 WQA Consumer Opinion Study

    The report presents the findings of a national online survey conducted by Applied Research-West, Inc. between January 5 and January 30, 2021. A total of 1,413 adults over the age of 18 and living in private households were interviewed. ARW used a random sampling procedure, and the survey results are accurate within +/-2.6 percent. The…