Topic: Ethics

  • Ethics In Action

    WQA Radio podcast features part of a session from the 2021 WQA Convention & Exposition entitled “Ethics in Action – Navigating the Gray Areas.” We’ll hear insights from Jonathan Lewis, partner with Lowenstein and Sandler, LLP.

  • WQA members role play good/bad examples of customer interaction

    In this week’s WQA Radio podcast, we feature part of a session at the WQA Mid-Year Leadership Conference in Lake Tahoe, CA. It was an entertaining presentation of how to and how not to deal ethically with potential customers. You’ll hear from moderator Justin Brazelton, CWS, of Culligan of Ann Arbor/Detroit; DJ Shannahan, MWS, CI,…

  • Ethics & PFAS

    In this week’s episode of WQA Radio, we feature a segment from one of our main education sessions at the 2023 WQA Convention & Exposition in Las Vegas. It was called More than a Sale: Ethics and PFAS. The discussion was moderated by Candice Wentling, Director of Certified Action, and featured Greg Reyneke with Crusader…

  • The value and role of ethics at WQA

    Kim Redden, MWS, of Pentair, who chairs the new Ethics Communications Task Force at WQA, talks about the group’s new communications plan designed to help members understand the value and role of the WQA Code of Ethics and why it’s such an important part of being a member of WQA.

  • Antitrust Compliance Fundamentals for Businesses

    Whether from a large company or a small one, you will learn about the fundamental rules of engagement among competitors, as well as between suppliers and manufacturers, sellers and resellers, and dealers and consumers. The webinar addresses the basics of U.S. and state antitrust laws and their economic underpinnings as they apply to all business…