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Ask Your Lawmakers to Support the Healthy H2O Act

The Healthy H2O Act would create a new grant program at the USDA to fund water quality testing and the purchase, installation, and maintenance of a third-party certified point-of-use or point-of-entry treatment system/certified components. A one-pager with more background on the bill is here.

We need your help to get it across the finish line! Lawmakers love hearing from their constituents, and while WQA and other organizations have communicated our support for the bill to key members of Congress, it means even more coming from YOU.

Ask for Support in 3 Easy Steps

If you are having issues accessing the button, download the email template here

2- Find your lawmaker & correct staff contact using the spreadsheet

  • Use the Google Doc to find your Federal Representative and Senator using the search links
    • Once identifying your lawmaker use the Google Doc to find the correct staff contact information.
    • Copy and paste the appropriate staff email in the “To”.
    • Add the staffer’s name to the body of the email template.
  • Don’t forget to send a separate email to each Representative and Senator

If you do not see your lawmaker(s) on the document above, they are already sponsors of the Healthy H2O Act.

3- Hit send

  • Be sure to include your signature.
  • Ask for their support.


Need Help? Contact

For more information read the WQA Government Outreach Guide.