Volunteers power WQA and the industry’s initiatives. WQA offers a variety of ways for you to get involved, from short-term projects to standing committee, council, and board service. With every new volunteer, WQA grows more energized, more diverse and inclusive, and better equipped to reach our common goals.
We encourage you to deepen your engagement with WQA and with your water treatment peers. Check this page often for new short-term opportunities or for the annual Call for Volunteers for committees and advisory councils.
Committees and Advisory Councils
When you want to take your participation to the next level, consider these questions
How to Participate
Applications to become a voting member or non-voting member are generally accepted every winter. You can become an observer at any time by contacting the committee or council chairperson or staff liaison.
Per WQA policy, the maximum number of voting members who may serve on these committees is 13, including the chair. No volunteer may serve concurrently as a voting member on more than two committees. However, there is no limit to the number of committees a volunteer may join in an observer’s role.
Learn more about Committee and Council volunteer roles and responsibilities.
Time Commitment
Most committees and advisory councils meet approximately five times a year. Meetings may take place virtually throughout the year and/or face-to-face at WQA’s Convention and at WQA’s Mid-Year Leadership Conference.
Where You Can Contribute:
Please see our volunteer opportunities page to find an advisory council or committee that is right for your needs and ours.
New Volunteer Orientation
Our new volunteer orientation video discusses what is expected of volunteers, best practices and how you can enjoy getting more involved with WQA.