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55 Results

Company: AGM Water Softening Systems
Country: US
Category: Gold Seal
Issue: Products not certified by WQA, unauthorized use of Gold Seal Logo on employee shirts, company vehicles, etc., misleading information, misrepresentation of certification status
Issue Description: The company uses an altered form of the Gold Seal on flyers, products, brochures, its websites, and employee shirts.
Date: 2023

Company: AMPAC USA
Country: US
Category: WQA Membership Claim / Logo
Issue: Expired Membership, Continued use of Membership Logo, misleading information, misrepresentation of membership status, non-renewal of membership
Issue Description: The company uses the Membership Logo on its website. The company is not a member.
Date: 2021

Company: Aqua Plus Filtration Solutions
Country: Australia
Category: WQA Membership Claim / Logo
Issue: Non-member misusing Membership Logo, misleading information, misrepresentation of membership status
Issue Description: The company uses the Membership Logo on its products on website. The company is not a member.
Date: 2023

Company: Aqua-Win Water Corporation
Country: Taiwan
Category: WQA Membership Claim / Logo
Issue: Expired Membership, Continued use of Membership Logo, misleading information, misrepresentation of membership status, non-renewal of membership
Issue Description: The company uses the WQA Membership Logo on its website.
Date: 2022

Company: Aquafit Filter Turkey
Country: Turkey
Category: WQA Membership Claim / Logo
Issue: Non-member misusing Membership Logo, misleading information, misrepresentation of membership status
Issue Description: The company uses the Membership Logo on a Aquafit Filter on Amazon Turkey. The company is not a member and no website could be found.
Date: 2023

Company: Aquagenics R&D India Pvt. Ltd. dba WaterScience
Country: India
Category: WQA Membership Claim / Logo
Issue: Expired Membership, Continued use of Membership Logo, misleading information, misrepresentation of membership status, non-renewal of membership
Issue Description: The company uses the WQA Membership Logo on its website.
Date: 2022

Company: Aqualite US
Country: US
Category: Gold Seal
Issue: Products not certified by WQA, misleading information, misrepresentation of certification status
Issue Description: The company is using the Gold Seal on uncertified products on its website.
Date: 2023

Company: Aquathin
Country: US
Category: Gold Seal
Issue: WQA product certification referenced on website
Issue Description: WQA product certification referenced on website and products are no longer WQA certified.
Date: 2024

Company: Asianex Filtration
Country: India
Category: Gold Seal
Issue: Products not certified by WQA, misleading information, misrepresentation of certification status
Issue Description: The company uses the Gold Seal on a brochure of an uncertified product on its website.
Date: 2023

Company: Atlantic Environmental (Water) Systems
Country: Canada
Category: Gold Seal
Issue: Products not certified by WQA, misleading information, misrepresentation of certification status
Issue Description: The company is using the Gold Seal on uncertified products on its website.
Date: 2020