WQA Consumer Opinion Study


Once every two years, the Water Quality Association commissions a national study to gather data on U.S. consumers’ evolving attitudes toward water and water treatment.

The 2023 study shows that consumers report being far more concerned about quality of their household water supply this year than in any previous study. Survey results also indicated that while the overall perception of household tap water safety is high, safety concerns still remain. Also, more consumers are taking a larger role in improving their home water quality through the use of water treatment products, and they are more knowledgeable about the types of products available, results showed.

A public version of the report is available below, as is an expanded full study available to WQA Core and Premier member companies. In addition, Premier member companies can download all the raw data from the report at the link below.

Watch as WQA Associate Executive Director Tom Bruursema provides an overview of the study at the WQA Convention & Exposition.

NOTE: The study’s data file is being sent to your “downloads” folder. You might continue to see a spinning arrow on our website even after the material is in your folder waiting for you.

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